Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I like ... His paint brush.

I really really liked His paint brush.How can somebody paint such beautiful strokes .I always wonder How can He create so amazing forms ?Yes Yes .. I am talking about God's Paint brush.

Have you ever closely observed those beautiful forms of Rain drops,rainbow...that blinking star near the moon,that zigzag teeth in a baby smile and you know those amazing butterflies flying and making some spirals over the flowers.
Every time I am walking on the road I never miss a chance to look at the clouds. I tried hard to find a reason that why I feel so happy by looking at that but never got a single reason.

I found some answers and thought to sharing with all of you.

Actually my liking is not for that scenery ,not for the color of that butterfly but actually with the emotions attached with everything I observed ..

A child smile .. that is not only those zigzag teeth but it is actually that memory when I see somebody and reminds me of my innocent childhood.That purity of the smile is actually the key which makes me so joyful.

Rainbow .. it is not only all the seven colors but the those togetherness which reminds me the happiness of being in a joint family even being different from each other . it actually indirectly explains you will always look beautiful if you are accompanied with differen
t people.

An star with moon .. "nobody is more important than
anybody".That star explains that if its not there with moon you can not appreciate that alone as alone moon will look very negative.
that star makes the moon's presence more powerful .Moon can not add value to an star but yes! An star can .
Everybody is equally important so respect all and love all !

These are not the only things which taught me . but yeah ! I listed a few and will share few soon. Till then, enjoy this and keep reading,keep sharing and keep observing around ..'coz little things are really beautiful.